Thursday 29 March 2012


Assessment Project- Portfolio & CV

Present a 'Digital' portfolio for assessment, which contains a minimum of 3 projects. All projects must be re-worked, select the projects that best demonstrates your skills and area of focus this stage.

You must design a CV and a contents page for the beginning of your portfolio and each project must be introduced by a project title page, which again has been designed specifically for this assessment. It would be beneficial to consider the inclusion of self initiated projects which concentrates on rectifying areas of weakness identified by yourself or your tutors throughout the semester.

As always attention must be paid to the innovation and creativity of your idea and the way in which it is presented. You must demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of current trends and promotion through the following:

  • A Brand for yourself?
  • Portfolio Projects
  • Content Page
  • Project Header 'page'
  • CV
To begin I am going to look back over my projects throughout second year and pick which I want to include in my portfolio.