Wednesday 2 May 2012


I have quite enjoyed this project, it was a nice opportunity to revisit the work I had done over the year and see what parts I could change. The idea of creating a portfolio at the end of 2nd year is a good one since I can just add to it next year since I have layout already decided on. I think the layout I chose suits me well, not too colourful but has the green to brighten it up. The triangles give a nice change to the usual square layout I go for. I think the three projects work well together and fit in with the layout. I kept my descriptions of the projects simple as I did't think too much text would look right as its mainly images. 
My digital CV has all the information I wanted to keep on it. The introduction of the skills logos was a nice change to writing.

Overall I am pleased with the turnout. 

Keyword info

Title: Digital Portfolio & CV- Rachel Millar

Description: A digital portfolio in a creative format showcasing a selection of different projects and descriptions. All the projects as a whole show a variety of different skills. The digital portfolio is accompanied with a digital CV.

URL name: rachelmillar

Fashion, Design, Promotion, Trend, Style, Photography, Music, Graphics, Illustration, University, Colour, Original, Organised, Pattern, Digital, Visual Communication, Art, Unique, Friendly

CD cover

For my CD cover I have used the same style and colour scheme as the overall front page. Keeps it all consistent. 

I have put my blog URL on the back for more information.

Completing portfolio

The last stage now is to make sure the whole portfolio works in sync together.

I moved around the art boards to put it in order with the CV first. I added the black lines to the bottom of my CV since it looked odd them being the only pages without them.

I used circles for my page numbers as squares and triangles are a big part of my designs so thought a change would make them stand out. 
I completed my contents page, created outlines for all my text and then saved as a PDF.

CV final design

Now that I have inputted all my projects into my portfolio layout I felt my CV design was a little plan so i revised it..

I decided to continue with the triangles in the background. Without the dash line though as it would take focus away from the actual text.

My cover page for my portfolio is quite similar to my overall cover page for the CV and portfolio. It keeps the style consistent. I think it works well to keep my contact details all on this page so its easily accessible. 

Styling project info

The images used in the following Debenhams Promotions are styled by using a collections of items from the H! by Henry Holland range.

The inspiration for the photoshoot was a spin on a typical 50s housewife with a rockabilly edge. They are displayed as promotional items for the H! by Henry Holland range using colours from the shoot as the primary colour for the overall promotion. The design for each is kept consistant so they
can run as a sequence.

Layout-Styling Project

Kept consistent with the same title page as the other 2 projects.

I was quite difficult to find a layout that worked for this project as all the items are quite awkward sizes.

My initial thought was to have one per page but didn't think this would work with the other projects as there are more than one piece of work on all of them. 

I decided to include another edited photo from the same outfit to go alongside the image. I think it works quite well.