Monday 23 April 2012

CV development

These printscreens show the development of my CV design.

At the start I wasn't sure where to place my name. It is one of the main focal points of a CV so I wanted it to stand out. I think the outline helps but I'm not sure whether the detail in the graphic makes it hard to read.

I changed it all too green to see if it helps, I think it makes it stand out more. Instead of writing in the list of computer programs I thought it would be a nice change just to add the logos. So I added illustrator, photoshop, indesign and the windows office logo.

Since I have split my page with a green divider I thought I could expand on this for my design. For the headers I have made green boxes come out from the line. To keep it all connected, 

I have inputed my education in boxes, starting from the most recent at the top, University of Central Lancashire. Im not sure if they work well with the composition of the rest of the CV design.

I changed where my name was placed to alongside the graphic. I think it works better as it is more striking. To keep it consistent I added the colour palette along the bottom, I think it is a nice effect, and its something that we have to do a lot in the course so its quite relevant. 

On the 2nd half of the CV it is split into 3 sections, skills, work experience and interests and activities. I flipped the colour palette to the top to let the two sections fit together. I have included the piano graphic still in monochrome so it works well with the 1st graphic.

To keep it consistent I have used the green boxes coming from the centre line for the headers. I included the piano graphic in the interest and activities section as it is most relevant since that is where I talk about my piano grade 7 and love for music.

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